
GERRY WEBER is a pioneer of global fashion logistics

GERRY WEBER IS CON­STANTLY IN MOTION. Every day, our col­lec­tions are brought to you, whether that’s to stores, our retail partners or to your own front door. GERRY WEBER has re­designed these processes in the logistics center. At Ravenna Park in Halle/West­phalia, all sales paths are processed in one place: millions of garments are handled each year using the latest tech­no­logy - including in­nov­at­ive RFID tech­no­logy. So wardrobe favorites get to where they should be as quickly as possible: to our fashion-loving customers.

Want to find out more about the new logistics center? The following video in­tro­duces the project in more detail:


GERRY WEBER uses radio frequency tech­no­logy (RFID) for all processes at the Ravenna-Park dis­tri­bu­tion center. This serves to optimize logistics processes and retail processes as well as ensure goods in our stores. The whole value chain is becoming more efficient.

The RFID label makes each garment clearly iden­ti­fi­able. Each garment has its own number to ensure it cannot be mistaken. These RFID numbers can be used to manage all processes in a targeted way. The RFID chip is in­teg­rated into the care or price label.

At GERRY WEBER, the use of RFID care labels forms the basis for all logistics processes and the modern, fully automated logistics center.

RFID and data pro­tec­tion

We are setting a benchmark for the industry and would like to show other companies how they can use this new tech­no­logy in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion.

Open com­mu­nic­a­tion and trans­par­ency in dealing with this new tech­no­logy is very important to us. We inform our customers about the new tech­no­logy and further ways to obtain in­form­a­tion using displays at our tills. If there are any questions, our staff are happy to explain functions and ap­plic­a­tions as well as any back­ground in­form­a­tion.

Europe has a high level of data pro­tec­tion that is setting standards worldwide. GERRY WEBER upholds all relevant standards and re­com­mend­a­tions regarding data pro­tec­tion.

  • GERRY WEBER does not save any personal data in the RFID transpon­der. Personal data is neither collected nor processed nor used. The German Federal Data Pro­tec­tion Act clearly states that this is not permitted without the person’s consent. The only thing that is saved is an anonymous number that cannot identify the end consumer. Once the item sells, the number will be de­ac­tiv­ated in the database.
  • The RFID in­form­a­tion in the database is not ex­pli­citly allocated to a specific sales trans­ac­tion or customer after the purchase.
  • Our customers can have the RFID chip, which is visibly sewn on, removed at the till or remove it by hand at home. Product care and material in­form­a­tion will not be removed in doing so.
  • If the chip is not removed, it will not come into contact with skin due to the way in which it is attached. The material used meets the same high standards that we use for our care labels (Öko-Tex 100).