You have passion for fashion and you are in­ter­ested in an ap­pren­tice­ship or dual study program in a future-oriented, modern company?

You are a team player that takes re­spons­ib­il­it­ies for tasks and projects, and you want to grow your potential?

Then start your training in one of our versatile, varied ap­pren­tice­ships or in a dual study program:

  • In­dus­tri­al clerk (f/m/x)
  • Man­age­ment assistant in e-commerce (f/m/x)
  • Man­age­ment assistant in Marketing Com­mu­nic­a­tion (f/m/x)
  • Retail sales assistant (f/m/x)
  • IT spe­cial­ist for system in­teg­ra­tion (f/m/x)
  • Dual study program Fashion Man­age­ment & Retail (Bachelor of Arts)
  • Dual study program in Business In­form­at­ics (Bachelor of Science)
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Find all current training op­por­tun­it­ies directly on our careers page.

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