Training and career

Qual­i­fic­a­tion through training and further education


Training is a top priority for GERRY WEBER! We offer young women and men five ap­pren­tice­ships in the com­mer­cial and technical field and help them shape their pro­fes­sion­al future as well as possible. Training on the job and at the vo­ca­tion­al school is sup­ple­men­ted by special qual­i­fic­a­tion measures.

Our success proves that this is the right approach: Our ap­pren­tices fre­quently finish at the top of their classes at the district, state and even na­tion­wide levels.
> Award by the chamber of com­mer­cial and industry (IHK)

We also promote our employees after com­ple­tion of their ap­pren­tice­ship through further qual­i­fic­a­tion or by sup­port­ing them in obtaining a college or uni­ver­sity degree.


Our employees grow with us – and we grow with them. At the GERRY WEBER Group, we promote our employees by offering them in­di­vidu­al further education pro­grammes, on-the-job courses of study and internal qual­i­fic­a­tion measures. Pro­fes­sion­al face-to-face or online training courses in co­oper­a­tion with proven partners enable our employees to develop their potential in the best possible way.


Committed, motivated and highly qualified employees are of prime im­port­ance for the success of our company – this is why we promote your pro­fes­sion­al and personal de­vel­op­ment by means of in­di­vidu­al qual­i­fic­a­tion measures.


Our re­tail per­­son­nel de­vel­op­­ment was spe­­cially de­veloped by a team of fash­ion con­­­sult­ants and man­agers for em­ploy­ees in our GERRY WEBER stores. The concept fo­cuses spe­­ci­fic­ally on qual­i­fy­ing em­ploy­ees on the Point of Sale so that they can serve our cus­tom­ers and im­prove cus­tom­er ex­­per­­i­ence.

Our in­­tern­al coaches provide guid­ance and tar­geted sup­port to pro­mote our store em­ploy­ees’ per­­son­al and pro­fes­­sion­al de­vel­op­­ment.

We are look­ing for new, mo­t­iv­ated em­ploy­ees who share our pas­sion for fash­ion. Take a look at our open po­s­i­­tions, and be­come part of our com­pany!