

We take our claim to lead­er­ship as a leading fashion brand seriously. We protect nature, the en­vir­on­ment and the planet. We behave re­spons­ibly and set reliable impulses for global co­oper­a­tion in the value chain of the fashion industry.

This is the only way to secure the existence for all of us and the value of what we do – for our passion: FASHION.


To make our strategy trans­par­ent and our progress meas­ur­able, we have defined five fields of action:


Our sus­tain­able styles meet the high GERRY WEBER standards in terms of quality and fashion appeal. The share of sus­tain­able garments is to be con­sist­ently increased. For us, sus­tain­ab­il­ity is not a short-lived trend, but an important in­vest­ment in the future of our brand and our company. We are committed to de­vel­op­ing fashion that is safe in social, health and en­vir­on­ment­al terms.

GERRY WEBER has strictly banned real fur and angora since 2015. The goal of con­tinu­ously expanding the use of sus­tain­able raw materials is also reflected in the strategic goals defined for the “Product” field of action.

The steadily growing use of certified and recycled materials increases the trans­par­ency of the supply chain and supports the principle of the circular economy. We rely on strong partners such as GOTS, Amfori and our business partners.

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The GERRY WEBER GROUP sources pre­fab­ric­ated goods from suppliers worldwide. In this context, we rely on long-term part­ner­ships and trusting co­oper­a­tion with our partners. Everything we do is based on the respect for human rights and com­pli­ance with accepted en­vir­on­ment­al and social standards.

To ensure maximum security in this regard, we con­tinu­ously analyse human rights risks at GERRY WEBER. Our suppliers undergo a strict selection and screening process; they must sign the Code of Conduct and the Social Com­pli­ance Agreement.



Under the motto “WE ARE GERRY”, we jointly develop a value-based corporate culture. The working at­mo­sphere is char­ac­ter­ised by in­form­al­ity and flat hier­arch­ies. The focus is placed on a …

GERRY WEBER has in­tro­duced a com­pre­hens­ive and in­nov­at­ive mobile working concept for maximum flex­ib­il­ity, in­di­vidu­al com­pat­ib­il­ity and work-life balance. An average of 40% of the employees are on site, with many working mobile a few days per week from wherever it is con­veni­ent for them. This way, we express trust and personal re­spons­ib­il­ity to our employees and want to give them maximum flex­ib­il­ity in terms of time and place.

In­cid­ent­ally, we in­tro­duced a com­pre­hens­ive working time concept for flexible working hours already back in 2011. In 2023, the working time concept was expanded to include ad­di­tion­al options. Now employees can choose whether to spread their working hours over 4 or 5 days, with the same or reduced weekly working hours. Sab­bat­ic­als are also possible.

It is our stated goal to reduce the en­vir­on­ment­al impact of our activ­it­ies to a minimum, and we are con­tinu­ously working to reach this goal. We have therefore taken measures to ensure resource-efficient pro­duc­tion and to reduce our carbon footprint. Also, we are working to implement the principle of the circular economy in various places and operate a com­pre­hens­ive energy and en­vir­on­ment­al man­age­ment system. Recent examples include the in­tro­duc­tion of carbon-neutral shipping within Germany or the pos­sib­il­ity for our customers to return their old clothes to our stores for recycling. Our strategic goals also include our will to continue improving in this area.


A com­mit­ment to society is an element of corporate re­spons­ib­il­ity and also an important aspect of our strategy.

In addition to the issue of inclusion, aspects such as diversity, equality and the pro­tec­tion of women’s rights are of par­tic­u­lar concern to us. In this context, we have also started co­oper­a­tions, e.g. with Hessnatur Found­a­tion.

In addition, GERRY WEBER is in­tensi­fy­ing the co­oper­a­tion with or­gan­isa­tions promoting inclusion as well as equal op­por­tun­it­ies and diversity.


In 2015, the United Nations published the SDGs as part of the 2030 Agenda. They comprise a total of 17 goals with 169 as­so­ci­ated social, en­vir­on­ment­al and economic targets which are in­teg­rated and in­di­vis­ible. These 17 goals can be assigned to five areas of critical im­port­ance, the “5 Ps”: People, Planet, Prosper­ity, Peace, Part­ner­ship – to focus on the dignity and equality of humanity, to protect the climate and resources, to promote prosper­ity and peace for all and to build global part­ner­ships.

All countries (de­vel­op­ing countries, emerging countries, in­dus­tri­al­ised nations), civil societies and private sectors are called upon to address these issues, goals and targets. GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al lives up to this re­spons­ib­il­ity and has iden­ti­fied four goals to which we can and want to make an active con­tri­bu­tion. We have defined targets and measures whose degree of achieve­ment will be reviewed annually and adjusted if necessary.

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  • Establish a Code of Conduct for our more than 2,300 employees worldwide
  • Improve the working con­di­tions for employees of all our suppliers based on a com­pre­hens­ive Social Com­pli­ance Code of Conduct
  • Mobility concept for our employees
  • Establish a health man­age­ment system for the pro­tec­tion and well-being of our employees
  • Work-life balance through flexible working hours, a mobile working concept and the in-house “KIDS WORLD” day nursery
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  • Expand the use of or­gan­ic­ally grown cotton and other sus­tain­able materials that support the trace­ab­il­ity of all pro­duc­tion steps
  • Active pro­tec­tion of animals and species through a ban on real fur and angora across all brands
  • Use of certified down from re­spons­ible origins
  • Use of wool from re­spons­ible sources, re­spect­ing animal welfare and organic farming practices
  • Com­pli­ance with the pro­vi­sions of the OEKO-TEX Standard 100 and the European Chemicals Reg­u­la­tion REACH (Re­gis­tra­tion, Eval­u­ation, Au­thor­isa­tion and Re­stric­tion of Chemicals)
  • Ban on sand­blast­ing and the use of chlorine in denim pro­duc­tion in Europe
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  • Annual increase in elec­tri­city savings
  • Increase the use of green elec­tri­city; strive for carbon neut­ral­ity at the Halle site
  • Con­tinu­ous increase in annual carbon savings
  • Introduce electric cars into the fleet
  • Annual par­ti­cip­a­tion of our ap­pren­tices in the “Energy Scouts OWL” projects of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce
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  • Comply with and improve social and labour standards along the supply chain through mem­ber­ship of the Part­ner­ship for Sus­tain­able Textiles
  • Integrate people with dis­ab­il­it­ies into the labour market through co­oper­a­tion with wertkreis Gütersloh GmbH
  • Audit man­age­ment of all our suppliers through mem­ber­ship of the amfori Business Social Com­pli­ance Ini­ti­at­ive (amfori BSCI)