
GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al GmbH uses diverse dis­tri­bu­tion channels to offer its customers a com­pre­hens­ive, ac­cess­ible and cus­tom­ised shopping ex­per­i­ence. No matter when, where and how our customers want to shop, we will create the pre­con­di­tions for an unlimited, service-oriented shopping ex­per­i­ence across all dis­tri­bu­tion channels. We are no longer thinking in terms of separate dis­tri­bu­tion channels but seek to create an in­teg­rated and immersive customer ex­per­i­ence.

From our own GERRY WEBER stores to shop-in-shops, from fran­chised stores to online shops or co­oper­a­tions with retail partners – we always aim to achieve maximum customer sat­is­fac­tion.

Under our vertical part­ner­ship schemes with our Wholesale partners such as shop-in-shops or fran­chised stores, the re­tail­er­s’ local know-how in con­junc­tion with GERRY WEBER’s expertise, brand ex­per­i­ence and shop fittings make for the ideal com­bin­a­tion.


Our Retail op­er­a­tions comprise all company-managed points of sale and the online platforms of the GERRY WEBER brands.



GERRY WEBER: Close part­ner­ships with fran­chisees and retailers worldwide

Besides its own Retail activ­it­ies, the GERRY WEBER Group relies on close co­oper­a­tions with in­de­pend­ent retail partners. Building on the ex­per­i­ence and success of the company-managed GERRY WEBER stores, GERRY WEBER offers service-oriented part­ner­ship schemes not only for fran­chised GERRY WEBER stores but also for our retail partners. Thanks to the IT con­nec­tion of all GERRY WEBER stores and most of the partner stores, we know what customers come looking for. The knowledge gained in the process is in­cor­por­ated in the de­vel­op­ment of the col­lec­tions, fa­cil­it­ates the store man­age­ment and ensures a brand present­a­tion that is perfectly tailored to cus­tom­er­s’ needs and re­quire­ments.


GERRY WEBER: Close part­ner­ships with fran­chisees and retailers worldwide

Besides its own Retail activ­it­ies, the GERRY WEBER Group continues to expand its close part­ner­ships with fran­chisees and retailers. Building on the ex­per­i­ence and success of the company-managed GERRY WEBER stores, GERRY WEBER offers a service-oriented part­ner­ship scheme for fran­chised GERRY WEBER stores.

Thanks to the IT con­nec­tion of all GERRY WEBER stores and most of the partner stores, the company knows and un­der­stands the ex­pect­a­tions of the target group at the point of sale. The knowledge gained in the process is in­cor­por­ated in the de­vel­op­ment of the col­lec­tions, fa­cil­it­ates the store man­age­ment and ensures a brand present­a­tion that is perfectly tailored to cus­tom­er­s’ needs and re­quire­ments.

See also tax info for the UK.



24-hour shopping in the e-shop

The GERRY WEBER, TAIFUN and SAMOON online shops play an in­creas­ingly important role for the company’s Retail activ­it­ies.

They allow the GERRY WEBER Group to par­ti­cip­ate in the growing success of e-commerce and to gain access to new customer groups. The success of the online shops is reflected in the im­press­ive growth rates of the past years.