Certification / Partnership
GERRY WEBER has been an active member of the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) since 2010. We work in various project groups to ensure that international labour and social standards at our worldwide suppliers are complied with and improved. GERRY WEBER International GmbH has joined forces with more than 2,500 other companies to systematically and sustainably improve conditions along the supply chain.

GERRY WEBER has been GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified since 2017. This world-leading standard guarantees the use of textiles made from (at least 70%) organically produced natural fibres.
GOTS allows us to offer products that are inspected and certified throughout the entire textile supply chain, from fibre production to the retailer, while complying with comprehensive social criteria. The standard covers the production, making-up, packaging, labelling, trade and distribution of all textiles.
GOTS certified products are labeled directly on the product.
ISO 50001
Since 2016, GERRY WEBER’s energy management system has been certified to ISO 50001 in all European entities. Increasingly scarce resources, climate protection and the energy transition are forcing us to rethink. The introduction of systematic energy management is not only a matter of course for us, but also a necessity as energy costs continue to rise. The main goal is to continuously improve the energy efficiency of our company so as to ultimately reduce carbon emissions.

ISO 14001
GERRY WEBER has operated an integrated environmental management system for many years. To underline our active commitment to the environment and nature, we had this management system certified to ISO 14001 in 2019. This way, we make it transparent to our stakeholders that we are continuously increasing our resource efficiency and thus reducing the environmental impact. For us, environmental protection and sustainability are not only topics for communication, but also value-creating factors.

After measures of reduction and avoidance, GERRY WEBER is going the way of a climate-neutral company together with Planted. By supporting a climate protection project in Chile, where green electricity can be generated with the help of hydropower, the complete emissions of the HQ in Halle (Westf.) are already compensated and the SDGs of the United Nations are supported. Planted’s goal is to protect our planet in all its diversity and to enable many more generations and species to live on this earth. Together with its partners, Planted wants to realize this goal.
Dialog Textil-Bekleidung
Dialog Textil-Bekleidung (DTB) is a platform for open dialogue between experts that we use regularly. Companies from the entire textile chain (including brands and retailers) form working groups with educational institutions, institutes and industry-relevant bodies to develop solutions for textiles-related issues. Within the textile and clothing industry, the main focus is on improving product quality. Dialog Textil-Bekleidung strengthens the economic efficiency and competitiveness of its international members.

German Fashion
We are a member of German Fashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V., which represents the German fashion industry. The association is available to its member companies for all sector-specific and day-to-day issues and represents their interests vis-à-vis legislators, authorities and other organisations. In addition, members are informed about current developments in the fashion industry.

In economic policy matters, our industry is represented by the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry (textil+mode), which also serves as an employers’ association in the area of social and collective bargaining policy. One of the goals of the Confederation is to secure the innovative strength and thus the leading position of textile and fashion companies worldwide and to demonstrate the attractiveness of Germany as a business location at home and abroad. The Confederation is divided into regional associations and specialist associations. They are tasked with safeguarding and promoting common economic, professional and technical industry interests.

In response to tragic accidents in textile factories, such as the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, the then German Development Minister Dr Gerd Müller initiated the foundation of the Textiles Partnership in 2014. Governments, companies, non-governmental organisations, trade unions and standard-setting organisations have joined forces in the Textiles Partnership to sustainably improve social and environmental conditions along the supply chain. This is to be achieved with unified means and measures as well as with joint action and leverage.