
Com­pli­ance at GERRY WEBER

Here at GERRY WEBER, we not only firmly establish our com­pli­ance culture, we put it into practice. This means that the company stays trans­par­ent as well as offering a collegial working en­vir­on­ment. This entails much more than simply upholding internal and statutory reg­u­la­tions. It’s about behaving in a way that’s ethically correct and creating mutual trust: in­tern­ally and ex­tern­ally.

The actions of each employee that rep­res­ents GERRY WEBER are re­spons­ible, credible and reliable. We all stand for fair treatment. Managers and ex­ec­ut­ives also uphold this com­pli­ance culture by acting as role models.

Our com­pli­ance system at GERRY WEBER follows a codex com­pris­ing the following points:

1. Com­pli­ance or­gan­iz­a­tion:
To make sure everything runs smoothly when it comes to com­pli­ance, things have to be well organized. After all, everyone benefits when tasks are clearly allocated. At GERRY WEBER, the Corporate Audit & Com­pli­ance de­part­ment is re­spons­ible for com­pli­ance tasks. The Com­pli­ance Committee and the Local Com­pli­ance Officer offer their support. Together as a team, they con­cep­tu­al­ize and propagate the company’s value system as well as the related guidelines. At the same time, they motivate employees to uphold the rules.

2. GERRY WEBER Group code of conduct:
The GERRY WEBER Group code of conduct provides ori­ent­a­tion. It comprises general be­ha­vi­or­al reg­u­la­tions that apply to all employees through­out the business. The code regulates internal col­lab­or­a­tion as well as behavior towards external partners, such as customers and suppliers. The aim is to guarantee legal safety for the company and its employees at all times.

3. Group com­pli­ance guidelines:
In order to better un­der­stand and further develop the code of conduct, GERRY WEBER has issued binding group guidelines. These include topics such as how to uphold anti-trust and unfair com­pet­i­tion law as well as gifts, hos­pit­al­ity and other benefits. Guidelines of this sort serve to keep things trans­par­ent and authentic at all times.

4. In­form­a­tion man­age­ment on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act:
Gerry Weber fosters an open culture and co­oper­a­tion in which those affected can seek advice and express concerns. In addition to the internal channels, we have appointed an external ombudsman for many years to whom employees and business partners can turn in con­fid­ence and an­onym­ously.

The ombudsman receives reports of possible vi­ol­a­tions of laws or internal rules (whis­tleblower man­age­ment). He is also re­spons­ible for the com­plaints procedure in ac­cord­ance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (PDF Rules of Procedure). The com­plaints procedure enables in­di­vidu­als to report human rights and en­vir­on­ment­al risks as well as vi­ol­a­tions of human rights or en­vir­on­ment­al ob­lig­a­tions.

The Ombudsman can be contacted as follows:
Dr Carsten Thiel von Herff, LL.M.
Loe­bell­straße 4, D – 33602 Bielefeld

Tel: +49 521 557 333 0
Mobile: +49 151 58 23 03 21
E-mail: om­buds­man­n@thielvon­

Reporting platform:
Homepage: www.thielvon­

Anyone who makes a report in good faith is protected. All reports will be in­vest­ig­ated with the utmost care and respect for the rights of all parties involved.

5. Op­por­tun­ity and risk man­age­ment:
Op­por­tun­it­ies and risks are often closely related. One impacts the other: a missed op­por­tun­ity can become a risk to the company, for example. In order to suc­cess­fully achieve company goals, op­por­tun­ity and risk man­age­ment analyzes whether things are pro­gress­ing in the desired direction early on. So all processes are evaluated and managed in a targeted manner.